Happy Work Place

Why Business Ethics are a Vital Part of a Happy Work Place

This article was last updated on September 5, 2017

“I got an offer I couldn’t turn down!” We all have heard this cliche line from a departing employee about their reason for leaving. But there is always more to the story than just accepting an irresistible offer. Maybe the employee was not looking for a long term alliance with the company or the management overlooked some fair demands of the company. We have all heard a number of fake stories that employees tell while quitting their jobs. This is because of lack of trust and void of communication during the recruitment, employees’ tenure, and the last days of the job.

The biggest complication in any organization is the build up of an invisible wall between the managers and the employees. There is often a gap between what employees truly want to express and what the management wants to hear and say. Oftentimes, even between peers, there is lack of communication and understanding which makes the workplace negative. Every person has his/her own understanding of what is right and what is wrong. Their understanding of right and wrong is based on their experience and surroundings.

Ethics! We have all heard the term but are we really following them in our respective workplaces? Business ethics help to ensure nothing unethical makes the workplace distressing. Be it a regular employee or a managerial level employee, everyone needs to follow these unspoken guidelines for a collaborative environment where everyone grows. Why, you ask? Well, because if rules are same for all and ethics are followed, the end result is a happy work place.

Now that we have touched upon the topic, let’s round up a few common business ethics that growth-oriented companies follow.


As a part of punctuality, all employees of an organization must arrive on time, attend meetings on time, adhere to break deadlines and complete the tasks on time. Punctuality is a virtue that comes automatically when one is passionate about work and looks forward to doing it.


A responsible employee is the one who puts in honest efforts and completes all the tasks assigned to him on time. He/ she will give more importance to the designated task rather than his personal work. A responsible employee works for oneself and one’s own learning, and not for the deadline.

Dressing Up

Adhering to the company’s dress code is one of the business ethics that also form a part of your personality. The important part is, dressing up well imbibes self confidence and is of more benefit to you than your company.


Working well with the coworkers and respecting them is the deal here; no hard feelings to that one person you despise when it comes to getting the job done. Being a good team player also implies being impartial and counting on the other person’s capabilities.

Personal Grudges Remain Out of the Office

The business must not suffer due to personal grudges. If you are favoring someone or taking out your personal grudges in the office, it would lead to a sad and dissatisfied workplace. Never comment on a person’s behavior when in office, but only their work.

Positive Attitude

It doesn’t kill to be polite and pleasant. Employees must take on all the tasks assigned with a cheerful attitude. A positive stance is always great for everyone who is a part of the organization.

But why are business ethics important to set up a happy workplace? Can’t there be a happy workplace without business ethics?

Let me put it in a very simple way- when rules are the same for everyone, the entire workplace is happy. If they are made different, the entire workplace would be dissatisfied and unhappy. Let us take an example: You are working in the sales department and a new joinee comes in. Now, you have a target of making 5 sales, while the new joiner has to make only 2 because your boss favors him/her. What do you do? How do you feel? Don’t you feel it is against the ethics? You think about it, crib about it at lunch and curse your manager like hell. The end result: The workplace becomes a sad workplace.

Here is why business ethics are important for a happy workplace:

Positive Ambience at Work

Following workplace ethics ensures a workplace with satisfied employees who enjoy coming to the office rather than treating it as a burden. Employees develop a sense of loyalty and ownership towards the organization.

Proper Guidance from Management

Workplace ethics ensure the management guides and mentors their employees well. Appraisals, bonus and salary hikes by the human resource must not happen for name sake, instead, it must happen efficiently. Ethics ensure the managers treat all their employees equally irrespective of any personal relationship they might have.

Ensures Transparency

Business ethics ensure that there is transparency among all the employees of the organization. With transparency, employees trust the workplace much more and feel more obligated towards the organization.

Saves Loss to the Business

If the employee is not appreciated or rewarded as deserved, he is bound to leave the organization. Coming to think of it, it is the loss of the organization where they have spent so much time in training the employee and just because the employee is unhappy, they lose out on a precious resource.

Strengthens the Bond Between the Management and Employees

If the employees are not allowed to take leaves or feel unsafe about their job, they would lie. It is necessary to take breaks and without that, it would be like expecting a machine to work for you. Employees as well, need to deliver the work done on time, rather than nudging away the work and garbing the lack of interest with ‘overburdening’. Being loyal to the company is the key where one empathizes with the other.

Happiness is the Key to Productivity!

And how will the workers be happy? Yes, we all know the answer by now – Following workplace ethics is the key!

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