strong presence on social media, phone with apps

How To Have a Strong Presence on Social Media

This article was last updated on March 14, 2022

Social media is the entire craze in today’s day and age. Everyone I meet lately is a Youtuber, entrepreneur or Instagram model. Since we all spend more than enough time in the virtual world of social media without a true purpose, it seems wise to make a living from this situation. In other words, how to have a strong presence on social media and earn money while doing so. Here is another way of making  money from social media. However, knowing how addictive and time consuming platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are, one must do this with a side of caution

Here is how to achieve success on social media while still having a reasonable life in the real world:

1. Clear your news feeds of unnecessary information

If you are going to attempt to make a career of your social media presence, you cannot be preoccupied with looking through pictures of your cousin’s baby or constantly playing Candy Crush.  Instead, you must organize your time on the internet in a way that is productive.That means unfollowing and usubscribing to people who are not relevant to your field.

These methods are easier and kinder than unfriending annoying people on social media and they will save you valuable time you can invest in your new career. Only keep your newsfeed of people who are in your field and who can inspire you to create new content every time you open your newsfeed.

2. Figure out the right platform

Many people make the common mistake of trying to build a social media empire across the entirety of the available platforms. Although having an internet presence does involve using multiple platforms, the initial process is more complicated than just spamming your Twitter, Facebook and Instagram with constant posts.

If you try to post everywhere all the time you will literally become glued to your phone and forget about the concept of having a personal life outside of the internet. Start with a Facebook page and grow from there. Depending on whether you are selling objects or writing a blog you may want to further develop your Instagram or Twitter accounts.

If you plan to sell anything unique, Pinterest is the way to go and if you are an entrepreneur in the making, your LinkedIn account needs to be sheer perfection. Either way, discover your passion and concentrate it into one social media platform in a concentrated formula for success

3. Make a strong game plan

This next step involves doing a solid bit of research into the high times of the internet and the type of content you need to be posting. After doing so, create a strict graphic for posting and follow it down to a tee.

This graphic will not only help you keep organized, but also allow for consistency in the material that is being published. The readers/buyers will be satisfied with result and will become more trusting of your work.

You must also create content that is different and engaging. Switch up the publications from simple quotes and memes to wordy publications, which lead the reader down a spiral of emotions and questions. Then, create a ‘reserve ‘of material to post in times of emergency.

4. Make long-lasting connections

Social media is different from traditional media outlets in one very important way, it is meant to allow a form of two-way communication, rather than just a speaker-listener relationship. Social media is about communication between individuals. Therefore, when creating a social media presence, you must learn to acknowledge your audience, if you wish to achieve success in the industry.

This essentially means that you have to publicly acknowledge their presence, opinions and critiques. This is how to make your business global through the use of ht internet. In order to create fans and followers who are loyal, you have to make their voice heard alongside yours.

To do so you need to dedicate at least 30 minutes a day replying to comments or private messages and even making specific posts targeted at answering any questions your audience may have. In cases where criticism is involved, you must also do your best to resolve the conflict. Most importantly, you must always remind your audience to share your projects and links in order to keep growing your fan base.

5. Use tools such as Google Analytics to gather consumer data

Having an online presence is about understanding what your audience likes and demands from you. To do so, you must use tools such as Google Analytics and DataHero in order to gather consumer data. In this way, you will gather important statistics about your audience and your own materials and be able to understand what is successful and what is not.

Another important tool you must never underestimate is the email list. By gathering a solid list of consumer emails, you create  More importantly, such data tools allow you to concentrate on making material that is popular and to avoid wasting meaningful time on unsuccessful posts. This will essentially prevent social media from taking over your entire life.

 6. Limit your accessibility to technology

This may sound paradoxical for a person who is trying to invest in a career in social media. However, over-checking your social platforms will only drive you crazy. To the point so, that you will not be able to acknowledge anything you are seeing and will miss vital comments and feedback.

Instead, try to wait a certain amount of time before refreshing Twitter, for example. Another clever way of tracking how much time you have spent checking up on your accounts in a day is through your phone. If by the end of the day you have recharge your phone at least once or twice, you have obviously been glued to it.

However, if you find that you have some battery left, than you obviously controlled your urges to get online.  Of course, the obvious excuse is having an old phone with a quickly discharging battery, but you understand the overall idea behind this hack. Here is how to handle your business on social media.


Having a strong social media presence and a buzzing social life is a rare coincidence in 2016, but with the right tools and mind frame you can accomplish both. Concentrate you energy into a specific product and audience and leave the remaining time for your personal life. Let me know in the comments what you have had to compromise in your personal life in order to keep up with social media! Have a look at these articles on achieving success!


Photo credit: Jason Howie via flickr

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