compelling vision for your future

How To Create a Compelling Vision For Your Future

Opening the door to the spirit of possibility

Have you ever been standing there in the doorway of what’s next? Are you wondering, what should I do with my life?   So often we pull back from these moments not prepared to execute a plan, not because we don’t want to change but simply because we just don’t have one.  What you’re looking for is a new “vision” for yourself.  One that will ignite your spirit, remain fueled by the energy within your heart, and transform your life into a new reality.  Here’s the good news, believe it or not you’re in the right place for change. Step through this doorway with the spirit of possibility and a focused new vision for your future.

So often we pull back from these moments not prepared to execute a plan, not because we don’t want to change but simply because we just don’t have one.  What you’re looking for is a new “vision” for yourself.  One that will ignite your spirit, remain fueled by the energy within your heart, and transform your life into a new reality.  Here’s the good news, believe it or not you’re in the right place for change. Step through this doorway with the spirit of possibility and a focused new vision for your future.

6 Ways To Create a Compelling Vision For Your Future.

1. Slowdown

All too often we are in such reaction to what’s going on around us, the phone, the car, the job, the continuous pressing noise that surrounds our daily life. Hang it all up for a little while. Sometimes we never put aside any time for ourselves to heal and adjust to our surroundings, forget set a course for the future.  Stop, take some vital time for yourself, use this time to just be by yourself for a little while free from all the distractions in your life. Sit and think about what you want your life to be like and what you want it to represent.

2. Clear your Mind

Find a quiet place to be alone with your thoughts for a while, really spend some time with your inner self.  Take some deep diaphragmatic breaths in and out, just feel the air passing your lips while you clear your mind.  When you arrive at a clear open space in your mind, what do you hear? What is your inner voice saying to you? What’s actually important to you, what are you really passionate about, what are you great at?

3. Think Big

Now is not the time to hold back, now is the time to let go. Think about what you are capable of and reach for the maximum outcome. If you aim high your successes will be monumental.  If you shoot too low, who cares right? Take this time to dream about the possibilities and what you can do if you put your heart and soul into it. Truly step outside the norm and think about what you could accomplish if you put your heart into it, genuinely let go and dream about the possibilities for a while.

4. Get Focused

Once you have a clear picture of what’s important to you, and what you’re capable of, now it’s time to focus on what that really is.  See your vision for yourself in full detail as if it were already completed.  See every single angle of this vision, know what it feels like to accomplish it and feel what it would be like to represent it. Clarity is key, you must completely know what your vision will look like from front to back, side to side, inside and out. Visualize your future as rewarding and exciting.

5. Believe in Yourself

Your spirit exists primarily in your belief of “what if” and the possibilities of what you are capable of.  When you find yourself on the edge of self doubt, stop and say, “yes” I can do this, this is truly who I am and whom I am about to become! Accept nothing less than your personal best for yourself and take things one step at a time. Small steps lead to giant leaps over time.  Remember a time when you experienced success, hold those thoughts and feelings close to your heart and remember, you can do it, and you’ve succeeded before and this time there’s no stopping you.

6. Take Action

Once you’ve developed your vision, you must take a step towards it in order to start the process. If not, your new vision will just dissolve into nothing, and slowly wash away and be forgotten.

It doesn’t have to be overwhelming just a small step to symbolize the beginning of this next journey in your life. Prove to yourself that you are committed to making this a reality, serve yourself a taste of the future.

Remember this is only the beginning, time is ticking off right in front of you. What you do with your time shape’s your destiny, so make every second count.  Where you focus your heart is who you really are, and what you leave behind. What you do with your spirit will light up your soul forever.

What you see with your vision, you will live today and make decisions for tomorrow.  Open the door to the possibilities, be the true you, and live the adventure of a lifetime, your lifetime.

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