Conversation Starters

12 Conversation Starters That Any Girl On Tinder Will Appreciate

This article was last updated on September 5, 2017

Someone once said, “First impression is the last impression,” and it applies well to reality. While certain people have no problem striking a conversation with someone attractive, some of us lag behind. And there is nothing worse than matching with someone you like and sending them a message that is left unanswered. This is another reason most guys fear even initiating a conversation, because they do not want to face an embarrassing situation. But your conversation starter could determine where the relationship might go. You might be wondering why you do not get good responses despite your decent, mild comments. Well, that’s because the receiver was not triggered on an emotional level to start conversing with you. When you start a charming convo, there are more chances for a reply. Here is how to get better at conversing with attractive individuals.

Conversation Starters That Can Impress Anyone!

If you find someone attractive, and initiate casually with a ‘hi’ or ‘what’s up?’, which says nothing about your personality, you are probably going to be ignored. Make an effort to come up with something creative that shows you are a keeper. You can either point out something interesting or suggest an outing or even just use a pickup line, but whatever you do, make it sound chirpy and fun. Keep your language clear and structure your sentences better. And don’t forget grammatical errors are not cute! Here are a few catchy starters that can help you initiate a conversation with someone you find attractive.

  1. Hey, let’s catch up sometime? I’d like to get to know you better.

This is a great way to begin a conversation with someone you just met. Simply because you are being polite and stating that you would like to meet her. Another reason this would work out is that you are suggesting that she is so interesting that you want to get to know her better.

  1. Your profile just blew me away! Was thrilled to see you are just as adventurous as I am. We are such daredevils, aren’t we?

If you want to start with a compliment, make it unique. Don’t go for the usual “pretty eyes,” or “great body”.  She has probably gotten tons of them already, so why would she want to reply to you? Make her feel excited by complimenting her on something that is different and preferably not about her physical appearance.

  1. Hi! Who do you think is the luckiest person in this room?

Flirting can be appreciated, but only if it has quality and a bit of fun to it. Nobody is going to reply to a creep passing a cheap comment. It’s okay if you get cheesy, but make sure it has a pop of fun that will make her chuckle.

  1. Damn! I have great taste. I mean, have you seen yourself in the mirror?

This is a great way to subtly suggest that the girl is oh-so-gorgeous, and with a smirk, you even compliment your own taste. If she finds this funny, she is sure to write back in a jiffy, because with a harmless and funny pickup line, anyone would find you adorable. And not to mention, she would get an instant ego boost, thanks to you.

  1. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Damn you’re beautiful…I forgot where I was going with this.

Okay, let’s just agree to the fact that poets are attractive. Not all of us have a natural poet within, but still, we try! And if your attempt at poetry is cute, any girl will appreciate it. She might just mock you, have a laugh, but hey! She smiled and thought you have a good sense of humor, so go for it and just Believe in yourself!

  1. Yeah, so, your bio said you like bad guys. Not to brag, but sometimes, I DON’T wait an hour to swim after I’ve eaten.

The profile is there for you to read it, and if you are someone who pings someone based on how “hot” they look in their picture, you are probably going to be ignored. With this, she will know that you read her bio and in a flirty yet funny way, you are making trials to get close to the likes of her.

  1. What do you like to do in your free time? How does hanging out with me sound?

Being approached and asked out is something most girls would like. The actions shows that the guy is confident (not overconfident). This will trigger her to reply to you if she genuinely seems interested. If you shy away, she might think you are not interested. So, for your conversation starter be bold and make your intentions clear. Also, don’t go overboard either as that might put her off.

  1. Okay, so I’ve been reading this book called “Talking To Beautiful Women For Dummies.” I’m all set, are you ready to be blown away??

Tinder is a place to have fun, enjoy, and let loose. Don’t hesitate to pass a funny pickup line on someone you like. If things go well, you can grab a date from a gorgeous girl that you didn’t think twice before swiping right. And it’s no harm mocking yourself, it only shows that you are easy going and don’t mind taking a hit to compliment her.

  1. Knock Knock! Who’s there? Well, no one, but can I pick you up at eight tonight?

Okay again! I cannot stress this enough – good humor gets the girl. If you are charming and good looking but a potty-mouth, no girl is going to reply to anything you have to say.Instead try a classic “knock knock” joke. You are sure to get a response with “who’s there?” And now the ball is in your court. With just a bit of Positive attitude you can transform your game.

  1. Hi, I don’t have a date for New Year’s yet, and I am glad I waited until I saw you. Would you like to be my date?

Grabbing a date on an occasion is the best you can do while hitting on a girl. So, if there are any upcoming events, you might just ask a girl out because if she likes you and has no date for the event, she might consider saying yes. But for more chances of her saying yes, frame it in a nice and gentle manner so that you don’t come across as a creep.

  1. Okay! Let’s play a game. I say one word, and you say the first thing that pops into your head!

Don’t go for useless bluff that goes nowhere. Sometimes, when you suggest to play a quick game or ask an interesting question, she might respond. It could probably work well with a younger woman. And it’s an ice breaker too as it puts away awkwardness and jumps straight into talking.

  1. Okay three-line intro – I’m a writer, love music, food is love! Now, you go!

Well, you get only one go to make the perfect conversation starter, but there is so much you want to say! Not to worry, just send a brief, quick message, and voila! Most girls would prefer a guy who is honest. So, try not to sound over the top. Keep it simple and short. If your opening line is a trigger, you will have more chances of getting a good response. And if you ever feel unmotivated you could give yourself a push with quotes about change and your confidence will be on point!

Okay, so there you go! If you have been struggling to impress someone, these useful tips might come in handy the next time you want to start a conversation. Remember, cheese and sleaze don’t work. Be honest, funny and  add a pinch of healthy flirting. This is the way to make a killer conversation. Try all these and you will notice a better response rate the next time. Now that you have these awesome starters for initiating a convo on tinder, getting a date with someone attractive should be a no-brainer! Go ahead and give it a try!

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