productivity at work

12 Strategies That Will Help You Increase Your Productivity At Work

Today, in these modern times, people are too busy. As a matter of fact, they are so busy that they neglect their basic needs, like sleeping habits. We all know that every adult should get close to eight hours of sleep every night, but when have you slept for eight hours? So many of us solely focus on our priorities in work that we, in the meantime, forget that sleep is one of them. If we want to stay healthy and be more productive at work, we have to start early in the morning and, in order to do that, we need to have a good night’s sleep, if we want to achieve all the goals we have set for that one day. Here are a couple of strategies that many people found useful, and who knows, maybe it will help you improve the quality and quantity of your sleep and increase your productivity at work.

12 Strategies That Will Help You Increase Your Productivity At Work

The Eight Hour Rule

Like I said in the introduction, an average adult needs to get at least eight hours of sleep, but this is considered to be an average amount, and you in particular might need less or more to function better. So, if you are sleeping five to six hours every night and you have no daytime impairments, are productive at work and feel optimal when you get up in the morning, then you should not be worried.

Don’t Force It

Many of us, when we are having trouble sleeping, especially with insomnia, force ourselves to fall asleep, but that is not a good solution. Sleep is a biological process, so it shouldn’t be forced, because a forced sleep can maintain the insomnia and make it be a long-term thing. Instead of doing this, you should focus on resting, engage in an activity that will help you relax, instead of doing something and expecting that something will put you to sleep.

Don’t Go To Sleep Angry

It sounds like a cliché, but it is actually true. Before going to bed, reserve some time to wind down from the tough day you’ve had at work. During that time, turn off your smartphone, leave your email notifications and shutdown the computer. The time you will spend disconnected from all of that technology will put your mind to rest and you will immediately feel the difference. Personally, after I climb into bed and look at my smartphone to check some emails, I won’t be ready to sleep until I know that I have checked everything and all the lights are out.

Don’t Catch Up

You should never compensate for any loss of sleep. Avoid going to bed earlier or staying in bed more than you typically should. This will not help you because this actually works against your sleep and that can lead to feeling frustrated which at work will make you feel tired and less productive.

The Bed Should Be The Bed

All non-sleeping activity which should be performed out of bed, so read on your couch, eat at your table in the kitchen, work at your desk and only sleep in your bed. This will help you train your brain know that it is sleep time when you go to bed. Therefore, you shouldn’t be living in it.

Change Your Nightly Habits

There are always rules that should be obeyed when it comes to sleeping, sort of keeping a certain routine, a wake time and sleep time. Like I mentioned above, find a way to relax before bed, at least an hour before sleeping and avoid the rule breakers that can sabotage your sleep. Some of these rule breakers are drinking caffeine, doing some of your work in bed and watching TV while in bed. All of this should be banish, because it steals your sleep.

Reduce Daytime Worries

When we go to sleep at night, we tend to bring the troubles that we experienced that day with us . So, if we experienced anxiety during our day, it is likely that this is the reason why we are having trouble sleeping. Consider resolving all the issues you may have during your day, with your family and coworkers, so that you can sleep soundly during the night. Those issues may not be so obvious, but in bed, we think about them and then they occupy our mind, leading to other problems that we have left unresolved.

Power Nap

If you are feeling tired in the afternoon and you are starting to fade, try having a power nap and limit it to 15 minutes or less, because if you let your body rest too much during the afternoon, the brain will not receive a signal that you are ready to power down at night.

Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal can help you understand what exactly is keeping you awake at night. A sleep diary will help you track sleeping patterns, thoughts and daily habits. Write how long does it take for you to go to bed, how much it takes to fall asleep, do you wake up during the night and when exactly are you finally awake in the morning. You should also put down if you use any medications, drink coffee and/or alcohol. If you decide to write down your thoughts, do that in the morning.


You should incorporate some workout during your day. The best time would be early in the morning or in the afternoon. If your body is active, it will crave for rest at nighttime. Avoid extensive workouts at least one hour before sleep, because that will mess with your brain and body and it won’t give out a signal that it is time for bed.

Try Investing In a Bed

It is silly but it is obvious – you want to feel comfortable when you go to sleep. This means finding pillows and a bed that will fit you and make you sleepy when you lay down. This is not everything – also choose comfy and soft pajamas, blankets and sheets – basically, the whole pack. So, splurge on the nicest bedding, a comfortable mattresses and soft pillows, and your body and mind will thank you later.


Darken your bedroom, because you will want to sleep with as little light as it is possible. Put on some thick curtains, or even an eye mask on your head if needed. Some people love to sleep in complete silence, so you can also use earplugs to shut down all the noise.

These are some of the strategies that have shown results with many people, including me, when it comes to sleeping disorders. Who knows, maybe they will also help you. If you still experience troubles sleeping, and feeling like you are not getting productive at work even after you have tried the strategies from my list, maybe you should seek a specialist that can advise you and help you with your sleeping issues. Don’t wait a second more, start implementing these sleep strategies and help yourself get that good night’s sleep that you finally deserve and increase your productivity at work.

Photo credit: David Wall via flickr

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